
Our basic training program provides extensive and rigorous training in

wilderness navigation, search procedures and wilderness survival, as well as

basic first aid and CPR certification.

Basic training program will provide you with the skills necessary to be an effective Team Member on a Search & Rescue operation. You will receive extensive and demanding training in wilderness navigation, survival, search procedures and basic first aid. After completing basic training members also have access to more advanced training such as search management. As a prospective member, you should have a passion for helping others, even during inclement weather, and on all manner of terrain; dedication to our extensive training program; a willingness to respond to emergencies whenever possible; and, positively represent Annapolis County ACGSAR at all times.


Annapolis County Ground Search and Rescue, P.O. Box 234, Bridgetown N.S. B0S 1C0


Become a volunteer

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Annapolis County Ground

Search and Rescue Service Area

Trail rescues or "carryouts" of injured hikers, climbers and outdoor enthusiasts. Wilderness searches on both trails and in cross-country terrain for missing persons. "In-town" searches for missing Alzheimer's patients, children and others. Evidence searches at crime scenes. Out of county missions to assist other counties with both searches and rescues. County's primary wilderness ground search and rescue organization. Our members are outdoor enthusiasts with a passion for helping those in need. 100% of funding for training, operations, and critical, life-saving equipment comes from generous donations by local businesses, the communities that we serve, our volunteers, and people like you.


ACGSAR members receive regular training in a wide variety of fields related to searching and safety. All members are excepted to participate in the majority of training to help prepare them for the situations they may face while out in the field. We also encourage members to develop their teaching and presentation skills to help provide other training opportunities to their fellow teammates.

A selection of training offered includes:

1. Patient Packaging and Extraction 2. Tracking 3. Wilderness Shelter Building 4. Throw Bags and Water Safety 5. Command Post Familiarization 6. Map & Compass 7. Winter Survival 8. Helicopter Safety 9. GPS

Annapolis County contains some of the most varied terrain in the Maritimes.

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100% Non-Profit


Our basic training program provides extensive and

rigorous training in wilderness navigation, search

procedures and wilderness survival, as well as basic

first aid and CPR certification.

Basic training program will provide you with the skills necessary to be an effective Team Member on a Search & Rescue operation. You will receive extensive and demanding training in wilderness navigation, survival, search procedures and basic first aid. After completing basic training members also have access to more advanced training such as search management. As a prospective member, you should have a passion for helping others, even during inclement weather, and on all manner of terrain; dedication to our extensive training program; a willingness to respond to emergencies whenever possible; and, positively represent Annapolis County ACGSAR at all times.

Become a volunteer

Please download the PDF below. For more information

Annapolis County Ground

Search and Rescue Service Area


Annapolis County Ground Search and Rescue, P.O. Box 234, Bridgetown N.S. B0S 1C0


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Trail rescues or "carryouts" of injured hikers, climbers and outdoor enthusiasts. Wilderness searches on both trails and in cross-country terrain for missing persons. "In-town" searches for missing Alzheimer's patients, children and others. Evidence searches at crime scenes. Out of county missions to assist other counties with both searches and rescues. County's primary wilderness ground search and rescue organization. Our members are outdoor enthusiasts with a passion for helping those in need. 100% of funding for training, operations, and critical, life-saving equipment comes from generous donations by local businesses, the communities that we serve, our volunteers, and people like you.


ACGSAR members receive regular training in a wide variety of fields related to searching and safety. All members are excepted to participate in the majority of training to help prepare them for the situations they may face while out in the field. We also encourage members to develop their teaching and presentation skills to help provide other training opportunities to their fellow teammates.

A selection of training offered


1. Patient Packaging and Extraction 2. Tracking 3. Wilderness Shelter Building 4. Throw Bags and Water Safety 5. Command Post Familiarization 6. Map & Compass 7. Winter Survival 8. Helicopter Safety 9. GPS

Annapolis County contains some of

the most varied terrain in the



Our basic training program provides extensive and rigorous training in wilderness navigation, search

procedures and wilderness survival, as well as basic first aid and CPR certification.

Basic training program will provide you with the skills necessary to be an effective Team Member on a Search & Rescue operation. You will receive extensive and demanding training in wilderness navigation, survival, search procedures and basic first aid. After completing basic training members also have access to more advanced training such as search management. As a prospective member, you should have a passion for helping others, even during inclement weather, and on all manner of terrain; dedication to our extensive training program; a willingness to respond to emergencies whenever possible; and, positively represent Annapolis County ACGSAR at all times.

Become a volunteer

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Annapolis County Ground Search and Rescue, P.O. Box 234, Bridgetown N.S. B0S 1C0

Annapolis County Ground Search and Rescue Service Area


Trail rescues or "carryouts" of injured hikers, climbers and outdoor enthusiasts. Wilderness searches on both trails and in cross-country terrain for missing persons. "In-town" searches for missing Alzheimer's patients, children and others. Evidence searches at crime scenes. Out of county missions to assist other counties with both searches and rescues. County's primary wilderness ground search and rescue organization. Our members are outdoor enthusiasts with a passion for helping those in need. 100% of funding for training, operations, and critical, life-saving equipment comes from generous donations by local businesses, the communities that we serve, our volunteers, and people like you.


ACGSAR members receive regular training in a wide variety of fields related to searching and safety. All members are excepted to participate in the majority of training to help prepare them for the situations they may face while out in the field. We also encourage members to develop their teaching and presentation skills to help provide other training opportunities to their fellow teammates.

A selection of training offered includes:

1. Patient Packaging and Extraction 2. Tracking 3. Wilderness Shelter Building 4. Throw Bags and Water Safety 5. Command Post Familiarization 6. Map & Compass 7. Winter Survival 8. Helicopter Safety 9. GPS

Annapolis County contains some of the most varied terrain in the Maritimes.

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A N N A P O L I S C O U N T Y S E A R C H & R E S C U E
A N N A P O L I S C O U N T Y S E A R C H & R E S C U E